Hi Everyone. This message is specifically for high school seniors:
Don't let your senior grades look like this photo!
Unfortunately, the senior slide is a frequent event, in some cases equaling epic proportions or even starting in the junior year. Here's how to avoid it:
1. Any student athletes or musicians out there? Well, preparing for college is a lot like preparing for a game or concert. Taking your senior year off, or putting in just enough effort to get by, will make your freshman year that much harder....just like taking time off from practicing means your skills will be weak when it's game time.
2. We know your senior year is full of activities and distractions, but make it worthwhile. Think beyond the short-term, and if you feel yourself getting burned out or bored, get with some friends for a study session and then reward yourself with some fun time. Talk to your teachers about making up assignments before they come and find you! It will pay off in your midterm and final grades.
3. This is the lecture part. Remember that your admission is contingent on successfully completing your senior year. When you were admitted, you listed the senior classes you were taking as well. You cannot now drop those classes without asking us. Similarly, you will submit a final high school transcript after graduation showing your senior grades. And it's not like we won't notice! Students whose grades are poor risk being placed on academic warning or having their admission rescinded (uh, that means denied).
4. So, finish strong! If you feel the slide coming, don't let it carry you away. Your success is in your hands.
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