Get a behind-the-scenes look at the admissions process from Kris Anderson, the UWEC admissions director

Monday, September 29, 2008

Minnesota National College Fair

Hi Everyone - I'm off this week to a couple college fairs. The Minnesota National College Fair is at the Mpls Convention Center on Wed and Thur of this week. If you're in the neighborhood, stop by and say hello at the UWEC booth. It's the largest college fair in the country and is really fun to see all these great schools represented.

Then I go to the Univ of Minnesota on Friday from 2-5 for the LGBTQ college fair, sponsored by Campus Pride. It's held in the Coffman Union.

I know a lot of you get your information from the web, but we'd love to talk to you in person about UWEC, too. Take the new quiz about college fairs this fall....

Will talk more when I get back.


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