Get a behind-the-scenes look at the admissions process from Kris Anderson, the UWEC admissions director

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Get Ready

Hi Everyone -
It's Sunday night, and I'm watching a baseball game, checking my email and calendar for tomorrow. I wonder how many applications will greet our staff tomorrow morning! There's always someone who applies at midnight. LOL. September 15th is the first day you can apply to the Wisconsin System campuses, and we'll start evaluating and processing your apps really soon.

I've spent the past week on the road, talking to school counselors in the Marshfield, Oshkosh, Menomonie, and Twin Cities areas. It seemed like they were excited to get the school year started, but they had a lot of questions that could be helpful for all of you.

Q. Who needs letters of recommendation?
A. Letters of rec are not required. However, if you choose to send them, keep in mind that 1 or 2 are more helpful than tons. Also, they are really more helpful for students who are "on the bubble," meaning our postponed list.

Q. Do you require official ACTs?
A. UWEC doesn't require official ACTs for an admissions decision but we will need them eventually.....before you are invited to Orientation. So, best to just get them in now. See my prior post for the link to ACT.

Q. Do you require the writing portion of the ACT?
A. Nope.

Q. Which is better? Taking an AP class and getting a B or taking a regular class and getting an A?
A. Taking an AP class AND getting an A:)

I'll keep this short but I'll give you a taste of application numbers this week, and I'll be back with tips on how to make the most of your college visit. Oh, I didn't find any pics of Orientation on our website, but I did find a cool slideshow from the past year. Here it is:


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