Get a behind-the-scenes look at the admissions process from Kris Anderson, the UWEC admissions director

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey everyone. Just wishing you a great holiday. I plan to take a couple days off, too.

For those of you who still haven't applied for admission, remember that December 1st is our first priority date. We will try very hard to get through all the complete applications submitted by that date and get responses back to you in a timely way. For applications submitted after December 1st, I will first crunch some numbers to see where we are for the freshman class. Then we'll get to work evaluating those applications on a space available basis. I'm thinking we'll still have room but borderline cases might be put on a waitlist for a while. We'll have to see. I'll let you all know later in December.

For now, go eat lots of turkey!:) For me, I'm headed off to a hockey game.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Random Question:

Hello Kris! I was wondering if you could provide me with information about college fairs for high school students: dates, places, etc. Specifically, I am creating an e-mail for my capstone project directed to CJ professors and I would like to include a list of college fairs in that e-mail. My e-mail is and I would really appreciate any and all feedback. Thanx!
